Jai ganesh jai jagdish
Report of group
Address http://www.facebook.com/#!/groups/khateesamaj/
Admin address http://www.facebook.com/#!/khateesamaj
Gmail id of admin www.khatisamaj.gmail.com
Websites and pages
Starting date of group : 24 may 2011
Report of group date : 24 aug 2011
No. Of members 1636 at time 9.00 pm 23 aug 2011
Average rate members added 14 to 15 members per day
Total no. Of friends request sent 3533
No. Of friends request in succession approx 1350
Maximum friends add at the time of rathyatra
Achievement s
1. Social bonding of community fast expression of our thoughts and ideas
2. All intellectual of different field joined and give their active participation
1. Social bonding of our caste
2. Help to needy’ and multidirectional development
3. By the help[ of correspondence of various group and pages
4. Expression ideas ,article ,and various discussion in group
5. For future view by the suggestion of group members we do several changes in groups and its policy
Terms and conditions
1. Group have no relation and mean with politics
2. Group have no interest and inclusion in any financial matters
3. Use of group for personal interest is strictly prohibited
4. The group show no favour to any individual
5. All member are equal respectable and have equal value
Your friend
Nilesh Choudhary